Depending on the status of your order you can either get a full, partial or no refund.
Once the required materials for your order are bought, the down-payment won't be refunded. After finishing the piece, there's no refund possible anymore.
In order to prevent any problems you will get well informed and frequently updated about the progress of your piece.
All bought pieces from the shop, except for jewelry due to hygienic reasons, are possible to return with a full refund if the product returns undamaged with the original price tag attached.
If the piece damages in a short amount of time after receiving it, not due to your or anyone else their fault, there will be either a refund or new piece delivered depending on what the customer prefers. The customer has to send the piece back for a check-up before any refund or new product will be returned.
The customer has 14 days after receiving their package to contact me and 30 days to return their bought product. Customers are responsible for their own shipping costs.
All products are provided with care advice in the package to ensure their longevity.